News - InfraROB informal meeting with Omicron and Heron projects


Maintaining integrity, performance and safety of the road infrastructure through autonomous robotized solutions and modularization


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InfraROB informal meeting with Omicron and Heron projects

Exploring synergies with our colleagues of Omicron and Heron projects - 17 March 2022


InfraROB is one out of the three Research and Innovation Actions funded under the topic of ameliorating environmental impacts and full automated infrastructure upgrade and maintenance (MG-2-10-2020) of the Horizon 2020 program SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Smart, Green and Integrated Transport (H2020-EU.3.4). We share objectives and ambitions with our colleagues of the Omicron and Heron projects.

Omicron, (INTELLIGENT ROAD ASSET MANAGEMENT PLATFORM) aims to foster the industrialisation and automation of road construction, inspection, and maintenance technologies. (

Heron, (IMPROVED ROBOTIC PLATFORM TO PERFORM MAINTENANCE AND UPGRADING ROADWORKS), aims to develop an integrated automated system to perform maintenance and upgrading roadworks, such as sealing cracks, patching potholes, asphalt rejuvenation, autonomous replacement of CUD elements and painting markings, but also supporting the pre/post-intervention phase including visual inspections and dispensing and removing traffic cones in an automated and controlled manner. (

With the aim of increasing the impact of our individual research and innovation activities and therefore being able to build-up a joint series of relevant outcomes beyond each of our projects, we have agreed to monitor and regularly discuss potential opportunities to collaborate. A common interest has been identified not only in supporting joint communication activities, but also engaging in dissemination activities all together, such as publications or special participation in events. 

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